Systematic Check-ups and Vaccinations

The Student Health Centre (ZDŠ) provides preventive systematic examinations and mandatory vaccinations.

Systematic check-ups

The preventive systematic examination is mandatory for all first-year students of any undergraduate study program. In Slovenia, the preventive systematic examination is free only  for students who have a valid European card or the Slovenian version of the convention (Pravica do zdravstvenih storitev za tujo zavarovano osebo – which  you can receive on Mala ulica 3, Ljubljana) end, only until they reach the age of 26, or until the end of the academic year in which they turn 26 years old. Self payers have to pay 38 euro.

Students are referred to the preventive systematic examination by their faculty.

The systematic examination performed by the Student Health Center (ZDŠ) serves as the mandatory medical examination which students must obtain before starting work through a student work agency (študentski servis). Students with full-time employment are not entitled to free systematic examinations.


At the Student Health Centre (ZDŠ), it is possible to get vaccinated against tick-borne encephalitis, hepatitis B and HPV infection.

The Student Health Centre does not offer vaccinations against rabies. Please contact the National Institute of Public Health (NIJZ) if you need to get vaccinated.