Social and psychological support
You can get immediate help by calling the Emergency Psychiatric Clinic: +386 1 4750 685 (8:00–12:00). They will quickly assess your psychological state and suggest what you can do next. If you are experiencing difficulties or having suicidal thoughts during nighttime (19:00–7:00), you can call +386 1 520 99 00. |
The Psychiatric Department at ZDŠ offers help to students that have diagnosed mental illnesses or are dealing with serious mental health conditions. The psychiatric department offers help in English and in Bosnian, Croatian, Montenegrin or Serbian. Make an appointment by email: international@zdstudenti.si or by phone (during office hours): +386 1 200 74 11.
The waiting time for a psychiatric appointment can be very long, so you can also turn to the counselling service (website in Slovenian) offered by the University of Ljubljana for non-psychiatric psychological support. They help students who are dealing with various issues (regarding their studies, relationships etc.). Please write an email to one of the counsellors to get an appointment.
- For counselling in English, please contact: anja.gruden@pef.uni-lj.si.
- For counselling in Bosnian, Croatian, Montenegrin or Serbian, please contact: tomaz.vec@pef.uni-lj.si.
More information (in Slovenian) at http://www.pef.uni-lj.si/894.html.
As a last option (e.g. if you need a medical test, but you can’t afford one) you can turn to the Pro Bono Clinic, which offers medical services to people without health insurance (e.g. refugees, migrants). |