Valentina SLANA, Anja AVŠIČ
Aškerčeva cesta 4, 1000 Ljubljana
We will restart conducting systematic examinations for students again after January 15, 2025.
Guidelines for a systematic review
Bring to the systematic review:
– health card (international students: European card + photocopy or convention: Right to health services for a foreign insured person + photocopy)
– Self-payers: 38,00 euro
You can order a systematic review yourself via the “Order a systematic review“ link, where you can choose the appointment that suits you best. Before the first use, you must register with the ZZZS insurance number if you have (look: Right to health services for a foreinger insured person). DO NOT enter doctor when registering!
It is NOT necessary to fast for a systematic review!
Systematic reviews are performed in groups.
Systematic examinations are carried out in the Health Center for Students at Aškerčeva cesta 4, come to the main entrance on time.